Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jesus Loves Espresso

I know it may seem like a strange title to some, but really think about it…..Jesus loves it when you get going. He loves it when you get that morning rush and you’re ready to seize the day. So what gets you going? When you wake up in the morning, do you think about that warm cup of coffee first? Or do you think about Jesus first? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE COFFEE! If you know me well enough, then you will know why. But Jesus should be my first morning rush. Mark 1:35 says “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Jesus himself, got up and went directly to pray to the Father. That is what got him going, Worshipping GOD!

When I try to think of how many mornings in my life that I have woken up and immediately given thanks to God, to be honest, there haven’t been as many times as I would have liked there to be . I would think things like, ‘Oh man. What is going to be waiting around the corner for me today?’ ‘What random bill is going to show up in my mailbox?’ or…. ‘Which kid is going to pick on the other until they get to go to their favorite corner for a while?’ There are so many other things that seem to be running through my head that early. Imagine if I just were to wake up and say “Thank you Jesus for this day!” Man! That would immediately brighten up my thought life and motivate me to start the day off right. He just gets me pumped!

“So, Jon,” “What are you so giddy and happy about today?” “Well, I woke up and realized that I am not worthy enough to be standing here talking to you. I also realized, though, that God loves me so much!”

See how that works. It starts with God and He gets you through the rest of the day. Joy and happiness follow when you keep God on your mind. There is no better way of doing that, than making Him your morning, noon, and evening lift me up. Try to find something that can raise your spirit and mind as much as He can. It won’t happen. He is our daily supply and our breathe of life. The morning call to worship the Lord is just as important as closing our day with Him. Prayer at the end of a hard day always relieves so much tension. I can go to sleep knowing that I have laid everything down at His feet and that He will give me what I need to get me through the next day.

Jesus loves what gets you going. He just wants you to realize each day, that He should be your motivation for everything. He should be what motivates you to get up and pray. After that He wants you to tell your family you love them. He wants you to go to work with Him on your mind and testify to your co-workers how amazing He is. He wants you to go out on the streets and tell those you don’t even know, about His everlasting grace and mercy. Jesus should be what we completely wrap our lives around and rely on. There is nothing in the world that can get me going more than my Savior and My God. JESUS IS MY ESPRESSO.