You have finally done it. You’ve lost everything. There is no place else to turn. Your deepest moment of depression has come. Your final offer is on the table.
“God, I cannot do this anymore. I’ve cried out to you so many times. I hurt so much that I cannot stand to live. If you don’t show yourself to me, right now, I will not believe”.
There are millions of people in the world today who have cried this statement out loud. It comes when we feel we are worth nothing. We have no where else to reach, no one to hold on to. Our last response is to present God with our terms.
Maybe you have lost family. Maybe it’s drugs and alcohol. It could be a past sexual episode that keeps being brought into your thoughts. It could be so many different problems that have brought you to this point and seeing God, in all his glory, is the only thing that will bring you out of this.
I don’t want you to get scared when I say this, but no one can see God.
This is not just something that I feel within me. It is something I know based on the word of God. There is a book in the bible called Exodus. In Exodus, Moses is speaking with God, and at one point he says to the Lord: “Now show me your glory.” God responds by saying, “You cannot see my face, for no one may see my face and live.” Then the lord said, “There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock. When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand and you will see my back; but my face must not be seen.”
It is so important that you understand the meaning of what God was saying in this. First of all he says; “…. a place near me on a rock.” If you stay near God, you are standing on solid ground. It is a place that will not be shaken. Secondly he says; “I will cover you…..” God will watch over us as his plans for our lives are happening. Finally he says, “…..and you will see my back.” After God has done what he has planned we can finally look and see that he was there all along.
To me this scripture is so incredible and gives me more and more hope. While all these terrible things in my life were happening, I had no clue God was there, but I knew there had to be something more to life. Now I look back and see how his hand was over everything I had ever gone through and I can see his glory passing by. I couldn’t see where he started his work in my life, but knew afterward, every place in my life he had been.
Another point I want to make is also based in scripture. It gives us another ideal of how marvelous his glory is. It is found in Isaiah 6:2. It says, “Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: with two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”
Above us each and every moment for all eternity these heavenly creatures will call out with their faces covered; “Holy, holy, holy.” Even these seraphs, in the very presence of God, cannot look at him directly because of how holy he is. It’s just the whole point of knowing that he is there for them. Being in his presence is more than enough to make them exclaim, “Holy, holy, holy”, for all eternity.
There are only a couple more things I would like to say to you and these are things based upon the events of my own life.
So many times, I can remember asking God, “Why are you letting these things happen to me?” “Why aren’t you helping me?” “Why won’t you talk to me?” I always felt as if God was putting me through so much hardship, little knowing that all of these things were actually developing who I would become and how I would witness to his love.
God does not put us in our problems. We are human and flesh. We make the choices on our own. God brings us through our problems. It reminds me of making choices as a child. My parents would ask, “Are you sure you want to do that?” “Oh yeah I’m sure mom!” Then we jump off the garage roof and break our leg. It hurts, for a while, but who was there to pick you up? Who held you close and said it would be ok? It was your mother or father.
God says that when we come to him, we come as children. Do you really think that after suffering a hardship, that God just does nothing?
The fall always hurts, but we took the steps to get there. A wonderful, loving, caring and marvelous God is pleading, “Please don’t go there.” “Please trust me when I say that this is the wrong choice.” “Draw near to me and I will draw near to you.” As we jump off the roof, we don’t look around to see if our father is there, but we can feel him. We know that he will hear our cries and lift us up.
No, we can’t see God. We can clearly see his love.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” –John 3:16
God has shown himself through Jesus Christ. If you believe there is nowhere else to turn, turn to him. He has never met you, but yet died for all the wrongs you have done. He did it so that our guilt would be gone, so that we shall be white as snow. Jesus is the solid ground next to God that cannot be shaken.
I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. --2 Corinthians 6:2
Friday, July 17, 2009
I want to see God
Posted by Jonathon Ives at 6:15 AM
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