Friday, July 17, 2009

God Breathed

“I’m only human”.

What a quote!

Is that what you believe? Is that your excuse?

If it is, you need to find a new one. You are not “only human." God created you in His image. -- Genesis 1:27

Did you know that out of all things He created, that we are the only form of life God breathed into? Genesis 2:7 says, -- the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Is God flesh?

No. He came in flesh as Jesus Christ to pay the price of our sin on the cross, but God is a spiritual being. As Christ, he could accomplish anything because He was God.

God is Spirit. God is the Spirit.

So, you’re only human? If that is your mentality, then why do you think your life is miserable? Look at the world around you. How many people die every day? A better question is how many people around you are living? Not in the sense of walking around talking and breathing, but achieving their life goals, changing the world and making a difference.

I don’t think those goals were achieved by a willing of the flesh. Those accomplishments had a strong belief and power behind them. Those dreams were done in Spirit and in Truth.

As humans, we can do nothing. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5
The flesh was not made to endure or even to survive. Flesh will return to the earth. Spirit will live on. Just as Jesus said, if you remain in him, you can do many things. The reason you can do that is because; the Spirit that was in Christ is also in you.

Now, let me make something clear. When I was speaking about those people who achieve their goals, I did not mean how much money they made or how many possessions they obtained. Those things are not achievements. Those things are possessions. Those things will pass away, right along with the flesh.

Your question would be, “Well, what if I’m not saved?”

Then you are living in the flesh and you would be right. You are only human. The only thing wrong with that is the fact that it is just a bigger excuse for things. The reason being, if you were a Christian you would have more responsibilities because Christ commissioned us to go into the world and preach His Kingdom. As a Christian you cannot say, “I’m only human and I cannot accomplish these things” because; YOU ARE NOT ONLY HUMAN!

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.—Ephesians 2:10

God loves. God breathed. God sacrificed. God works through us.

Do you see how that works? God loved us before we were. God breathed His life and Spirit into us. God gave His only begotten Son. God commissioned us to tell the world all of these things.

I don’t hear God complaining.

I hear God saying, “I created you in My image. I have given you power and authority. Now do something about it!”

Is God yelling at us? No. He is challenging us to do something amazing and miraculous.

Jesus himself said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do even what I have been doing. He will do even greater than these, because I am going to the father.”—John 14:12

Just think about the things Jesus did. He made the blind see. He made the lame walk. He cast demons out of people. The words alone He spoke had the power to heal. The fact that He walked on water is more than enough for me because it proved, that with the power of God, all logic and reason can be pushed right out of the way. It’s like Jesus was saying, “Look! Can’t you see the power My Father has given me? I’m walking on water!” Jesus is doing exactly what we should be doing and that is to do exactly what God said we could do.

We should take that step out of the boat and walk toward the Savior who calls us to be faithful and true to him.

Since God breathed life into us and since we are created in His image, does that mean that we breathe life?

Yes. In someway we do. The very way we handle our lives everyday is a way of breathing life into people who do not know God. Earlier I said that Jesus speaking was enough to heal people. That is because there is power in the tongue. Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

Think about the fact that the universe was formed at God’s command. Think about the fact that He breathed life into us. Now, since He breathed life into us and since we are created in His image, shouldn’t that mean that our words have the power to create?

They do! Life and death, just as the proverb says. Our words have the power to create new life in others.

We give our life stories and testimonies because the spirit breathed into us provides a hope and courage for those who see it in us.

So remember, if you are a witness of God’s love, then you are also a vision of the breath of life and you are not only human.

You are God Breathed.